Вышла новая книга Шри Шримад Мурали Мохана Махараджа
"HARE KRISHNA PAST AND PRESENT- 4" - это издание является переводом на английский язык русскоязычной книги "Харе Кришна вчера и сегодня, 4 выпуск" https://sankirtana.org/hare-krishna-vchera-i-segodnya-4-vypusk
Interest to the history of the Hare Krishna Movement in the former USSR is growing. It is natural, because the present grows from the past, and the future grows from the present. The new generation of Krishna devotees is interested not only in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness given in the books of acharyas. They also want to know the history of the society of the devotees, namely who distributed these books, who preached a philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, risking, at times, their own life, who they are obliged to, so to speak.
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